EMET has the following protection mechanisms built into it:
- Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
- Structured Exception Handler Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)
- Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
- Certificate Trust (Pinning)
For ROP mitigations, heres the following methods for protection:
- Load Library checks : monitors load library and prevents loading libraries from UNC path.
- Memory protection checks : disallow making the stack area executable.
- Caller checks : checks to see when a critical function is reached if its reached through a call instruction rather than a RET. When building ROP gadgets, using return oriented programming, you build your ROP gadget through returns until you eventually have a way to circumvent data execution prevention.
- Simulate execution flow : tries to detect ROP gadgets following a call to a critical function.
- Stack pivot : checks to see if the stack has been pivoted.
- Deep hooks : protection of critical APIs and lower level APIs used by top level critical APIs.
- Anti Detours : Common shellcode techniques for evasion of hooks by executing a copy of the hooked function then jump to the function past the prologue will not work properly.
- Banned functions : Additional APIs will be detected and blocked.
Download The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit EMET 4.0
- Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
- Structured Exception Handler Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)
- Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
- Certificate Trust (Pinning)
For ROP mitigations, heres the following methods for protection:
- Load Library checks : monitors load library and prevents loading libraries from UNC path.
- Memory protection checks : disallow making the stack area executable.
- Caller checks : checks to see when a critical function is reached if its reached through a call instruction rather than a RET. When building ROP gadgets, using return oriented programming, you build your ROP gadget through returns until you eventually have a way to circumvent data execution prevention.
- Simulate execution flow : tries to detect ROP gadgets following a call to a critical function.
- Stack pivot : checks to see if the stack has been pivoted.
- Deep hooks : protection of critical APIs and lower level APIs used by top level critical APIs.
- Anti Detours : Common shellcode techniques for evasion of hooks by executing a copy of the hooked function then jump to the function past the prologue will not work properly.
- Banned functions : Additional APIs will be detected and blocked.
Download The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit EMET 4.0
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