Database Administration Tool : Navicat Premium 10.1.0

Navicat Premium is a multi connections Database Administration Tool allowing you to connect to MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases simultaneously within a single application, making database administration to multiple kinds of database so easy.
Navicat Premium 10.1.0 Support :
Character set and unicode.
MySQL versions from 3.21 or above.
All subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys and triggers.
All MySQL objects: tables, views, stored procedures/functions and events.
- SQL Server
Character set and unicode.
SQL Server 2000 or above.
Managing linked servers, server triggers.
Managing assemblies, partition functions, partition schemes and database triggers.
Managing indexes, synonyms and triggers.
All SQL Server objects: tables, views and functions.
All subobjects: fields, indexes, foreign keys, uniques, checks and triggers.
- All SQLite
Character set and unicode.
SQLite 2 and 3.
All SQLite objects: tables and views.
All subobjects: triggers and indices.
- Oracle
Physical attributes.
Character set and unicode.
Oracle Servers 8.1 or above.
All Oracle objects: tables (Normal, External and Index Organized), views, procedures/functions.
All subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks and triggers.
Managing directories, tablespaces, public database links and public synonyms.
Managing database links, indices, java, materialized views, materialized view logs, packages, sequences, synonyms, triggers, types, xml schema and recycle bin.
-  PostgreSQL
Character set and unicode.
PostgreSQL Servers 7.3 or above.
All PostgreSQL objects: tables, views and functions.
All subobjects: fields, indices, foreign keys, uniques, checks, rules and triggers.
Managing tablespace, cast and languages.
Managing aggregates, conversions, domains, trigger functions, operators and classes, sequences and types.
Navicat Premium 10.1.0


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